Our mission is to support women and children by promoting an efficient, accessible family court system that provides fair, safe, and uniform justice.
What we do
Through advocacy, collaboration, and education, we provide workable solutions to strengthen the family court system for all.
August 2024
Do you know how to fill out the financial statement in a divorce or custody case?
Read our helpful tips to consider when completing a Financial Statement for the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court, and download a comprehensive and user-friendly form.
June 20, 2024

Family Law Symposium
On April 5, 2024 MFAC, along with MLRI, WBA, WBF and the Social Law Library sponsored a Family Law Symposium entitled “The Prevalence and Impact of Domestic Abuse in Contested Custody Cases and Parenting Plans” at Boston College Law School. Over 100 lawyers, judges, probation officers, advocates, and other interested parties attended the event.
The keynote speaker was Joan Meier, distinguished National Family Law Violence Professor of Clinical Law and Director of the National Family Law Violence Center at George Washington University School of Law.
On March 7, 2024, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decided in Openshaw v. Openshaw that routine saving is to be considered in the determination of alimony where the parties' postdissolution income is sufficient for each party to continue to live the marital lifestyle. With this decision, Massachusetts joins the vast majority of other states that have considered this issue.
Read MFAC's amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts supporting savings as a need for alimony recipients and explaining why alimony should be calculated on the parties' income, not expenses.
Read MFAC's Equitable & Accessible Justice for All - A Working Report on the Massachusetts Family Court System. The Report details issues experienced by our members and makes recommendations for change.
Forged by their own experiences with the Massachusetts family court system, MFAC was founded by a grassroots group of women who seek a fair, safe, and streamlined family court system for all and that ensures the best interests of children.
Our collective experiences have shown that the family court system is under-resourced and at risk for misuse and inequities, the judicial outcomes are unpredictable, and the expense and delay are unconstrained.
These systemic shortfalls are barriers to accessible and equitable justice for families.
With the legendary phoenix as our emblem, we believe that each challenge brings an opportunity for change and renewal and a better family court system for all.
MFAC was formed by members and leaders of the Awareness and Advocacy Committee at Jane Does Well, an organization that was created to support women undergoing the challenges of divorce.